Friday, 19 March 2010

Fatty does.....TV Interview!

So I was taking a leisurely stroll along to my lecture the other day (strolling being my default walk, saves energy!)and I bumped into my friend. We had barely spoken a couple of words before two girls came up to us, kitted out with clipboards and an audio mic. They asked us whether we'd be up for a quick interview which they would use for a short film they were making. I'm bang in the middle of doing a dissertation and have relied on kindness/ inability to say no of others to get me through it. So in good karma fashion I said yes. Then I noticed they were aiming the question more at my blonder, thinner and generally all-round prettier friend of mine. Hmmph!
But, apparently being blonde, thin and pretty does not always equal confidence and she scuttled away before you could say make-up. That left the interviewers with just me and like most students, they'll take what they can get. So I was shuttled off to a secluded spot on campus with a good view, sat on a wall and told I'd be asked ten or so questions on camera. It is days like this when you...A) wished you'd wore something nicer, B) brushed you hair a bit better and C) continued that diet you started in January... But thank God for widescreen!
Now whilst they set up they're equipment and I thought I'd fill the silence and ask a few questions. Just the usual; what's this for (dissertation), where will it be shown (possible at Glastonbury!), what is it about....(2012 Olympics). Oh f**k! Did you say the olympics? Suddenly I forgive them for aiming the invite to my friend. I mean, I'm hardly the poster child for such a prestigious sporting event am I? I'm now looking for the quickest escape route but suddenly the camera is on and I'm in the spotlight.
(Question 1) So, how do you think London will cope with the 2012 event?
Ok this is good, I'm from London so I actually had something to say. I start going on how cars are useless in London due to traffic and public transport is the way to go, or walk (though not to far otherwise chub rub is coming your way!)
(Question 2)Is it a glorified event for the elite few and not worth the tax payer's money?
Now here is where I go from on the fence to full out supportive! To be fair I'm not that fussed for the most part but I'd just spent the last few days obsessively watching the Bolero performance Torvill and Dean did to win gold in the Olympics way back along (and just to be straight the incentive behind this strange behavior was to perve over Christopher Dean's bum in tight trousers!) But whatever the source material, I am now full out raving about how great the Olympics are.
(Question 3) Do you think Boris Johnson's approach of making the event "low key" is correct?
Much to the surprise of the interviewers (who obviously assumed I wouldn't care, clearly not being of the sport build)I am now jumping on my high horse (figuratively speaking- I don't jump of course). I start babbling on using words like "privilege" and "importance of sport" and "we can do better than a bunch of fireworks".
And thus endeth the shoot. I smile and head off to finally to that lecture, having stunned the interviewers and myself a bit too. Just goes to show you should never judge the filling by the donuts appearance!

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